Proudly brought to you by 313@somerset, one of Singapore’’s most iconic shopping centres, Tring 313 uses location-based technology to help users discover exclusive offers and promotions within 313@somerset!
It is available on iOS devices running on iOS 6 and above.
Download the Tring 313 app to:
• Be notified of exclusive offers and promotions by 313@somerset retailers
• Buy or download exclusive offers and promotions directly via your mobile device (and pick them up at the store later)
• Follow your favourite 313@somerset retailers (to receive exclusive offers and promotions from them first)
• Find the fastest route to the stores within 313@somerset
• Allow CLUB313 members to manage their CLUB$
NOTE: The Tring 313 application uses foreground and background location services. Continued use of GPS can decrease battery life.